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The Discipleship Coach quiz is finally here!

The Discipleship Coach quiz is finally here!

We’ve been so excited to share this resource with our readers and it is finally time!  If you are just joining us, here are some things you might want to know about the Discipleship Coach Quiz:

Who is this quiz for?

Church leaders, church planters and pastors and anyone. who aspires to be, or already is, a disciple-maker.

What does this quiz cover?

We check your strengths and weaknesses in five key areas of discipleship: missional values, active prayer, relational connections, disciple-making cycle and strategic partnership.


How is this quiz best used?

It is best shared with small groups that can process together; to help one another engage and grow in relationship with each other and with the Lord.  This is not part of a step-by-step guide… more of a jumping off point to help you understand and grow your unique way of discipling.

How long does the quiz take?

We know you’re busy, but don’t worry, this will take less than five minutes of your time!

Okay, I’m interested… but how much does it cost?

Nothing! This quiz is absolutely free.


So, after I take the quiz… then what?

You will receive a score breakdown with a graph of your current strengths and weaknesses as a Disciple Coach, with a brief explanation of the area where you should direct the most focus. This will be linked to a coaching guide to help you develop this area. You will then be invited to schedule a no-obligation, free 25-minute Zoom call with me to discuss your results.

What can I do to keep growing after I take the quiz?

Coming this September we will be hosting a five-hour webinar on discipleship! More information will be coming soon!

Here is what one disciple maker says about the Disciple Coach Quiz:

“As someone who desires to grow in their understanding of how to be a disciple who makes disciples and lead others through this process, the Disciple Coach quiz was extremely helpful. It highlighted key areas of growth as well as provided practical next steps that were specific to my disciple making journey. For those of you who are unsure of where to begin as disciple maker or feel stuck in the process, the Disciple Coach quiz is an excellent resource that will empower you to take significant steps forward in the vital mission of making and multiplying disciples”
Sam Brown – Salem Alliance Pastor of House Churches
Who is our Disciple Coach Quiz for? 

Who is our Disciple Coach Quiz for? 

Anyone who has been following us the last few months knows that we are in the final countdown to launch our free Disciple Coach Quiz! This is a quick quiz (takes less than five minutes) designed to show you your personal strengths and areas for growth when it comes to coaching and making disciples using a coach-approach. This is the unique contribution we are making in the disciple making conversation: listening and asking questions vs. telling.

We are so excited to be able to share this resource with you all!

So, who is this quiz for? We looked at the numbers of churches in the U.S. that were multiplying and realized that it was only two percent… This quiz is to aid the other ninety-eight. We seek to help coaches and disciples grow in five key habits of discipleship:

  • Missional values – knowing and understanding your personal values and living them out through consistent behavior 
  • Active prayer – utilizing prayer as a critically key element in the disciple making journey
  • Relational connections – building strong and authentic relationships with both Christians and non-Christians in your community
  • Disciple making cycle – creating intentional and enduring disciples who, in turn, create intentional and enduring disciples 
  • Strategic partnerships – forging strategic partnerships to keep you on mission in your disciple making journey

We think that church leaders, church planters and pastors can all benefit from taking and sharing this quiz with your disciples. Really, if you aspire to be a disciple maker, or actively are a disciple maker looking to grow, this quiz is for you.

This quiz isn’t a part of a curriculum or a step-by-step guide to be handed out in mass; we want this to serve as a helpful stop along the way in your unique discipleship journey. It is best shared with small groups that can process together; to help one another engage and grow in relationship with each other and with the Lord. We want to help discipleship coaches multiply and flourish. 

Stand by… the launch date for the quiz is July 5th!

Read what others are saying about the Disciple Coach Quiz…

Becoming a disciple coach is a journey that begins by knowing your starting point. The assessment gives you a clear picture of where you are and priority area(s) for growth. When a coach comes alongside in your journey, you can discern and take the next faithful steps toward reproducing disciple-makers. I strongly recommend that you engage in the journey!

Dr. Bob Logan – Author The Discipleship Difference and The Church Planting Journey

Did Jesus use a coach approach to make disciples?

Did Jesus use a coach approach to make disciples?

I’m reminded how dangerous or naive it is to make broad generalizations about the way Jesus made disciples.  How can we really know?

Early in my seminary education I had a professor who lived-out the values of a disciple maker.  He was an imposing figure (6’5″-ish) but Dr. William “Bill” Iverson (this is linked to my classmate’s blog – Dave Diaso) was a relational ninja who was always on the ready to engage students in the ministry of disciple making.  What he lacked in methodology he made up for relationally; that is, he did not work a linear process but started where people were on their journey to discover and follow Jesus.  During my first quarter in seminary “Bill” introduced me to Robert Coleman’s book, “The Master Plan of Evangelism”.  In this small but profound book Coleman articulated Jesus’s strategy for making disciples.  I saw the method to “Bill’s” madness from the pages of this book.  It was a framework for disciple making.  I remember taking all of the small group leader’s and apprentice leader in the church plant I was helping launch through this book together.  It embedded the DNA of make disciples into our small groups at New Song Church.

I’m using Coleman’s framework to “reverse engineer” (meaning to compare and contrast to find the correlation) the 5 habits of a Disciple Coach.  As you study the 5 habits see how they fit into the way Jesus made disciples according to Coleman.

Here are a underlying principles that consistently determined what Jesus’ action would be in any given situation as he made disciples:

  1. Selection – men were His method
  2. Association – He stayed with them
  3. Consecration – He required obedience
  4. Impartation – He gave Himself away
  5. Demonstration – He showed them how to live
  6. Delegation – He assigned them work
  7. Supervision – He kept check on them
  8. Reproduction – He expected them to reproduce

Robert Coleman’s – “The Master Plan of Evangelism”

Here are the 5 Disciple Coach Habits and how they correlate with Coleman’s 8 disciple making principles:

  1. Missional Values – CLICK HERE
    • Consecration – He required obedience
    • Delegation – He assigned them work
  2. Active Prayer – CLICK HERE
    • Selection – men were His method
  3. Relational Connection – CLICK HERE
    • Association – He stayed with them
    • Impartation – He gave Himself away
  4. Disciple making Cycle – CLICK HERE
    • Reproduction – He expected them to reproduce
  5. Strategic Partnerships – CLICK HERE
    • Demonstration – He showed them how to live
    • Supervision – He kept check on them

The Disciple Coach Quiz is designed to help you establish a baseline of where you are today.  Secondly, for those you are discipling.

Each Disciple Coach Habit has a corresponding Coaching Guide.  The guides are broken down into the following categories:

    • Key Outcomes – Best practices for you to identify with as a disciple coach.
    • Example – Read about ways to put the habit into practice.
    • Reflection Questions – Discover new insights.
    • Action Application – Apply the habit in your ministry as a disciple coach.
    • Resource – Dig deeper to understand the habit.
    • Challenge – Take the next step on your journey to reinforce the habit.

The Disciple Coach Quiz provides a baseline (strengths and weaknesses) and the coaching guide is designed for you to identify real actions you can take in the areas of desired growth.  It also serves as a tool for you to ask those your are discipling to assess themselves and for you to coach them in their development.

We are in the final stretch of beta-testing the Disciple Coach Quiz and it will be ready any day now.

Thank you to those who are providing feedback as we get ready to launch.

Recommended book on the principles of disciple making