Dr. Shanti Samuel

Dr. Shanti Samuel



My passion is to come alongside of people, add value to their lives through creative avenues, towards positive change under the overarching umbrella of sharing the love of Christ.


I am blessed with one daughter and son-in-law and two lovely granddaughters, Olivia and Norah.

Favorite book:

My favorite book is “Christ of the Indian Road” by Stanley Jones.

Favorite artist:

My favorite artist is Australian artist / professional illustrator, Lisa Pay.


My hobbies include fusion music integrating Indian and Western, children’s creative learning solutions, yarn and clay art, sewing and quilting, batik, and block printing / painting.

Shanti’s contribution to the board:

I’m happy to serve in a secretarial function as required. I can add value to the lives of people in India and American Indians living here, and my global contacts, through all your services.

Gary’s commentary:

“I met Shanti in a training workshop I led for a mission agency in 6 different regions around the world in the summer of 2016.  She immediately stood out from the rest of the participants because of her diverse professional background in technology and ministry.  Shanti speaks four languages including: Hindi, Tamil her mother tongues (and closest language to Hebrew), French, and English.  Her network is comprised of former workplace leaders, colleagues and customers. They have given a lot to her in the formation of her career, as much as she has contributed to their growth. They are drawn from the knowledge management field: schools, colleges, educational institutions, insurance, IT and banking.  All of them have a common goal of being agents of change and on this platform of bringing people and change together, quality solutions can be made available to them. The goal is to seek to add value to individuals and institutions. India is the backdoor to US and there is a huge market for those living there and here as well, besides the global audience. So in a nutshell she is wondering how to give back to this network if it will be useful to all concerned.  Shanti recently received her second doctorate degree, speaks at least two languages, and is a gift as she serves as the Secretary on the InFocus board.”

Traco Matthews

Traco Matthews



My purpose in life is to serve as an encourager and coach for those who need help the most. Life verses supporting this cause are Proverbs 31:8-9 (OT) and Luke 4:18 (NT)


I’m been married to Dr. Jessica Grimes for just over 20 years. I’m third of seven children and a host of extended family.

Favorite book:

I call “The Speed of Trust” by Stephen M.R. Covey my leadership bible. It’s currently my favorite due to its ubiquitous applicability.

Favorite artist:

I’ll go with Tasha Cobb as my favorite current gospel artist. Close second is William McDowell.


I love playing chess or other strategy board games, traveling, wine tasting, and watching South Korean shows on Netflix.

Traco’s contribution to the board:

I have a passion for the work, strategic thinking, leadership experience, treasurer, and diversity perspective.

Gary’s commentary:

“I met Traco in 2019 while consulting with the congregation where he was serving on the board.  When I him, it was apparent that he is an articulate, gifted and strategic leader.  Since then, I have gotten to know Traco better and he continues to impress as a passionate follower of Jesus who strives to make things right and beautiful through his numerous activities in the community.  He serves vocationally as a social justice activist as well as a volunteer in whatever capacity he is assigned.  Along with his wife Jess, they are making a big impression to advance the Kingdom of God.  Traco earned his Economics degree from University of California at Davis and serves as the Treasurer of the InFocus Board.”

Wilita Sanguma

Wilita Sanguma


Something interesting to know about you:

I speak four languages (Lingala, Mbaka, English, and French).


I am passionate about youth and creating opportunities for people to live the best version of themselves.


My wife, Brittany, and I have three beautiful children, Lóla, Sáia, and Kémbo.

Favorite artist:

I love Afro music.


I love traveling, music, and sports (especially soccer).

Wilita’s contribution to the board:

I’m here to serve in development/ fundraising, international relations, nonprofit management, and social justice and advocacy.

Gary’s commentary:

“I met Wilita in the fall of 2022 as we served together on the launch team for The Refinery Church.  He is a thoughtful and articulate leader who has a breadth of experience in life and ministry.  Wilita is the Founder and Executive Director for The Lobiko Initiative, a nonprofit organization that identifies, invests, and partners with individuals and grassroots organizations in economically marginalized communities to co-create transformative solutions that promote youth development, education, and economic mobility. He brings experience in development, finance, nonprofit organizational leadership, and program management. Additionally, Wilita serves on several nonprofit boards to advise, consult, and execute services to support holistic education and youth development within marginalized communities nationally and internationally. He received his B.S. in Political Science from Fresno State University. He later earned an M.A in International Studies with an emphasis in peace and conflict resolution at University San Francisco and serves as the Chairman of the InFocus Board.”

Board 2018-2023

BOARD 2007-2017

BOARD 2000-2006

by Jun 14, 2023