Merry Christmas from InFocus
This Christmas season, we wish you a joyous holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus!
Thank you for your continued ministry.
InFocus remains committed to helping you and your ministry thrive in the coming year.
This Christmas season, we wish you a joyous holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus!
Thank you for your continued ministry.
InFocus remains committed to helping you and your ministry thrive in the coming year.
I was coaching a leader recently and asked him what he is learning about himself. He paused, then shared:
I am learning the importance of taking time to slow down, reflect and see the progress I’ve made.
It is interesting, the more we “advance” as a species, the more we seem to need time and space to reflect.
Further, he went on to say:
Our coaching time together is the only time I slow down and reflect.
Why do you think that this is the case?
My hunch is that our fast-paced society is not conducive to slowing down and reflection. I can use all sorts of excuses, but I hold to the truth, the things I value are the things I actually do! One of my goals is to re-think my rythms for 2018.
Here is a helpful resource to learn how to manage the internal urges that we all have, to stay busy and in a non-reflective state. The Emotional Intelligence profile will give you and those you coach a starting point on addressing this important area. I’ve used this assessment on numerous occasions and it oftentimes kick-start a fruitful conversation on ways to be more self-aware to the need to be more reflective.
Check out InFocus Collectives 2018:
Collectives create the time and space for leaders to slow down, reflect – then arrive at new ways of thinking and doing.
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