4 Postures People take when Relating to God:

Did you grow up going to Sunday School like I did?  One of the early memories I have was graduating from third to fourth grade and getting the “big kid” curriculum.  It revolved around the Bible illustrated in a comic strip format.  It felt more grown-up because the art-work was more refined, sophisticated.  Can you relate?

Years later I remember being introduced to various tracks including the “4 Spiritual Laws”.  It illustrated the gospel in a clear but simple way.  There was the throne of life and how one normally puts the “self” on the throne and God outside of one’s life. Until one decides to make God Lord of their life, he or she remains on the throne of their own life until they surrender the throne to Jesus and allow him to take it.

It made sense to many people in the second half of the last century.

Now the culture has changed.  The way people engage others to communicate the Gospel has change along with it.  But the message remains the same.

Here are a couple of questions for your consideration:

  • How do you communicate the message of the Gospel?
  • How are you helping other’s share the message of the Gospel?
  • Are you satisfied with your results?

If you struggle with a relevant and simple way to communicate the Gospel message you might be interested in what Skye Jethani has to say in the book “with”.  He suggests that people typically relate to God taking one of four postures – or a combination.  Here are the four postures he shares in a simple stick-figure picture:

  1. Life Under God
  2. Life Over God
  3. Life From God
  4. Life For God

The title of his book suggests an alternative posture: Life with God.

If you want to learn more about the four postures in a 5-minute video – CLICK HERE.

Check-out the book below!



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