I enjoy the memory of being 18 years of age in London, England and experiencing the Arsenal Football Club at the historic Highbury Stadium. The atmosphere during the matches was magical. What struck me most was the quality of the apprenticeship system that prepared players to advance to the highest level.
I’ve often asked myself, what if the local church took the challenge of developing leaders as serious as Arsenal took the challenge to develop home-grown talent? The impact for the Kingdom would be overwhelming. Some networks and churches are doing an extremely good job here. But this is an area that I believe we can improve on if we take the mandate to “make disciples of all the nations”, as Jesus intended.
InFocus has taken that challenge. In the Disciplemaking Collective we are seeing the fruit of intentional disciplemaking come to fruition. Now we are taking the next natural step – to help disciplemakers, plant churches. To accomplish this vision we’ve combined the expertise of a practicing church planter + a competent coach = a learning community. The synergy of the group experience with a coaching relationship has created an empowering experience. The relational dynamic and the learning that occur in the Collective has surpassed my expectations.
During the last 10 years I have been teaching church planting & multiplication, church health & leadership development in online environments. It was a bit clunky at first but once I learned the unique dynamics, rhythms and advantages of the online environment, I was convinced that adultly learning styles can be maximized in the online learning community, like a Collective. In fact, these learning communities can be leveraged to support leaders around the globe in ways that have not been possible in the past.
Who do you know that would benefit and contribute to a Church Planting Collective ?
I am expecting the Lord to bring the right leaders to the Church Planting Collective. Here are the two resources we will use to illustrate and facilitate the church planting process:
Attend a free webinar to hear an overview of the Church Planting Collective. Please indicate your availability by clicking here so that we can schedule the best time to meet as a group. Look forward to connecting with you!
Here is the Fall schedule for the group sessions:
- Session #1: September 10, 2018
- Session #2: October 8, 2018
- Session #3: November 5, 2018
- Session #4: December 3, 2018
*All times are: Mondays @ 3:30pm PST (4:30pm MST/5:30pm CST/6:30pm EST)