One of the distinctions we are addressing in the Disciple Coach approach is to help engage Christians that really want to make disciples but for a number of reasons have been unable.  “Tatum” (not her real name for a real person in our small group) came into our group as a curious, somewhat fearful and timid seeker.  Following the experience of a painful divorce she decided to give God a try.  What did she discover?  That many of her friends noticed a change in her life they didn’t quite understand.  What has she done?  Honestly, she has had to make some hard choices about the relationships that were not contributing to her emotionally healthy spiritual growth.  That was difficult and still is difficult for her to navigate.  But for the curious one’s she is engaging in emotionally healthy discipleship conversations.  How is she doing this?  She is taking a coach-approach by listening carefully and asking questions to challenge, clarify and inspire her friends to take a step in their discipleship journey.

Tatum is the type of person we created the Disciple Coach Quiz for – to inspire the 98%.  These are Christians who are looking for a way to use their gifts where God has placed them in life to help other people discover and follow Jesus so that they can make disciples.  Our aim is not to have another thing for people to do or a program to follow, but to make several natural shifts that will enable each of you to make disciples who in turn make disciples.

Here are a couple of “best practices” to help you process your Disciple Coach Quiz results:

  1. Self-assessment: take the quiz and read your report and reflection questions.
  2. Pairs: consider working with another Christian and encourage each other to take steps to make progress in your disciple coach journey
  3. Triad: bring another new Christian into the group and reflect on steps you can take together to reproduce disciples into the 3rd and 4th generation

We are getting closer and closer to launching the Disciple Coach Quiz.  As we beta-test the quiz we are receiving amazing feedback.  Here is what other people are saying about the Disciple Coach Quiz

The mission of the Church is not simply reaching the lost, increasing Church attendance or teaching biblical information – or anything else. Our mission is to make fully-fledged reproducing disciples of Jesus. And this is true for each individual disciple. Disciple Making isn’t something we do; it’s everything we do.

Many of us are on the journey to being fully committed to the Mission of Jesus but we are unsure of the areas we still need to develop. This is where the Disciple Coach Quiz comes into play. Gary Reinecke and his team have developed a really useful questionnaire which gives you an overall Disciple Coach Score as well as some improvement keys to help you grow in your commitment to His Mission.

Even though I have been Making Disciples for a long time, the results of the quiz pointed out some areas I still need to work on and I have already created some action steps for myself.

Colin Noyes – Author As You Go, Makes DisciplesMaking Disciples in a Postmodern Era & Making Disciples Coaching Guide with Storyboard


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