Multi-Ethnic Ministry Question #2: How will you create a culture of diversity?

Multi-Ethnic Ministry Question #2: How will you create a culture of diversity?

For Christmas my two young-adult children gifted me with some mountain biking gear (see image above).  Little did I know how dramatic the goggles would improve my technique.  I have been riding for 25+ years.  Over that time, I’ve sharpened my skills trying new approaches.  But when I wore my goggles something fundamentally changed.  One of the habits I’ve had is the tendency to look down at every nook and crevice that I ride over!  With the new goggles (my first pair ever – to be exact) the frame on the lower edge does not allow me to look down; I am forced to look ahead.  Guess what?  My “Strava” (GPS app) times on some segments of technical trail have improved up to 30 seconds.  This was a major advancement in my riding speed and enjoyment on trails that I have ridden hundreds of times over the last 12+ years.  I want to challenge you with this idea today:

What adjustment can you make to enhance the effectiveness of your ministry; especially as it relates to crossing socio, economic and ethnic barriers?

There are a number of ways to accomplish the vision to plant a multi-ethnic church or for an established church to create a culture of diversity.  You might already be doing a number of things to bridge the cultural divides that separate groups of people but if you can fine-tune what you are already doing or introduce something innovative, the fruit could be amazing.

Instead of outlining best practices, which have already been written about by practitioners in books like Ethnic Blends by Mark Deymaz, I will share three sure fire practices to AVOID!  Hang on tight – here we go:

  1. Don’t think short-term: envision what the church can become in 3-5-7 years!
    • Last week I referenced Martin Mora who is the Worship Arts Director at Sunrise Community Church (SCC).  The founder of SCC is Russ Siders.  His vision for a multi-ethnic church was instilled in the DNA of the leadership team and congregation from it’s inception in 1998.  Today, the surrounding community is reflected in the congregation:
      • 40% Anglo
      • 45% Hispanic (both English and Spanish speakers)
      • 15% African American and other ethnicities
    • Reflection Question: How close does the make-up of your church reflect the demographic of your community?
  2. Don’t be so focused on diversity that you lose sight of the mission: be fruitful & multiply!
    • One of the challenges I have seen is when leaders become over-focused on an issue to the detriment of making disciples, developing leaders and planting churches.  Russ Siders lived in the tension of becoming a multi-ethnic church and the mission of Jesus.  Living in that tension, Sunrise “daughtered” a multi-ethnic church.  Imago Church, located in Visalia, is a gospel-centered ministry seeking to reach out in both English and Spanish so that people can find hope through a relationship with Jesus.
    • I will be collaborating with Russ to discuss some of his learnings from 20+ years of multi-ethnic ministry in a FaceBook LIVE event on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 @ 9am PST/noon EST.  We will build on some of the information shared here.  Hope you can join us!
    • Reflection Question: How do you measure the fruit of your ministry?
  3. Don’t just talk about multi-ethnic ministry: do something!
    • When Gina and I moved downtown into the inner city of Phoenix in 1995, I quickly realized that there were a lot of things I knew, I didn’t know!  That led me to invite three pastors from distinct communities to participate on an advisory board.  I asked them to educate and advise me how to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities of our city.  I remember how rich and enjoyable our quarterly meetings were.  William Hogans, Gayle Parker and Pablo Contreras gave me the gift of sharing their life and ministry experience.
    • My point is, you might not be able to hire a pastoral staff person right now of another ethnicity, but you can certainly begin to learn from other people who have a different ethnic or social or economic background.  For all of our married life, some of our best friends have come from different backgrounds than ours.  Gina (my wife) is a “third culture” citizen of the world and my culture is American-European.  The best advise I received from one of our dearest friends is to – invest in the relationship, treat each other with love and respect, and remain curious.  Just this one simple act establishes bonds that will overcome many of the obstacles that get in the way of multi-ethnic ministry.
    • Reflection Question: Who are you engaging with that is from a different ethnic or social or economic background?

Next week we will address the third and final question: What is your leadership development strategy?

How to clarify your values – 5 Easy Steps

How to clarify your values – 5 Easy Steps

Why is it important to know your values?

  • Values serve as guide rails for leaders and organizations
  • Values provide guidelines for appropriate behavior
  • Values accelerate personal development

I like to say that values are the things leaders argue for when the values are challenged. Vision, as others suggest is…

Vision is a picture of the preferred future from God’s perspective.

A leader without a clear set of values is like a ship without a rudder. The ship is afloat, but not going anywhere in particular.

Do you know your values?

Take a moment to reflect on those things that are important to you.

Perhaps it is taking a walk or hike, getting to know your neighbors or spending a day at the beach with your immediate family.  Maybe it is reading a good book, making stuff with your hands or cooking.  Whatever those things are – you will find a way to do those activities you value.

During challenging seasons, it is natural to examine and discover what is important to us, often as a function of those things no longer being available or accessible because of extenuating circumstances. Travel, time with friends, sporting events, concerts, creating, connecting and establishing relationships – the list goes on and our priorities are distilled down to the essentials when life twists and turns. If we allow it, our human resilience rises up and we find ways to create opportunities to fulfill our deepest desires and highest priorities.

What are the values of a disciple coach?

Let me suggest that disciple coaches value certain behaviors.  Disciple coaches understand the importance of connecting with pre-Christians, helping new disciples grow in their faith, challenge disciples to move from “consumer” to “contributor” to serve members of their community and reproduce themselves into the lives of other new followers of Christ.

Here are those values again, taken from the Making Disciples Storyboard:

  • GROW

How can you clarify your values?

I was talking with a young, emerging leader recently who stated his desire to identify his values. Those things that are near to his heart, as a part of his maturing process moving into adulthood. This is what we did.

I asked him to take a look back and find the consistent themes that emerged from positive and negative experiences throughout his life:

  • Influential people
  • Circumstances that shaped him
  • Events that encouraged new ways of think and behaving

From that list I asked him to identify lessons he learned. One lesson was – “be true to myself”.

From those lessons, he identified values. For instance – from “be true to myself”, he arrived at Authenticity.

Personal Timeline Exercise

In my final year of seminary I came encountered a class on leadership development and was intrigued by topic. The paradigm was developed by Dr. Robert Clinton in his dissertation entitled “Leadership Emergence Patterns” and identified 6 stages of a leader’s development based on case studies of over 300 biblical and historical leaders from his research.  That course was transformational for me as I learned about the challenges leader’s face as they encounter boundaries that either stifle development or challenge leader’s to move forward.

We were instructed to go through an exhaustive and lengthy recollection of our leadership journey to-date. As I journaled my story the professor, Dr. Gordon Klenck, instructed us to lay-out our life in a timeline, identify the various “process items” Clinton describes in his material and roughly construct the phases of development. To give you an idea how long ago this was, I still have my final paper which was typed on a word processor.

Since then, Clinton has written a more concise explanation of his work in “The Making of a Leader”.  I have taken many individuals and groups through this exercise using a resource that popularized the process in a weekend retreat setting called “Focused Living” by Terry Walling.  A wonderful companion book entitled “STUCK! Navigating the Transition of Life and Leadership” is also available, by Terry Walling, and introduces the timeline in a user-friendly style.

For those that want to explore your values but want a simplified version of the Personal Timeline process, I would suggest a “Symbol Timeline”.  We initially used this exercise as a primer for the more expanded version of the Personal Timeline -see above.  It will serve the purpose of identifying your values. Follow the steps below; but instead of listing the people, events and circumstances – draw them out like in the image at the top of this blog.

Remember, the goal of the Symbol Timeline is to use symbols to illustrate the major milestones in your life and distill the lessons you learned, so that you can identify your values.




Take a look back and find the consistent themes that emerge from positive and negative: influential people in your life, circumstances that shaped you, events that encouraged new ways of think and behaving.  That lightening bolt in my timeline above represents a health issue that altered the trajectory of my life.


Draw symbols to represent the most important items in your development as a leader. See that soccer ball in the image above – guess what my favorite sport was growing up?


Identify lessons learned. One lesson I learned was based on a statemnt my mom made every morning when I left the house with my brothers and sister – “remember who you are and who you represent”.


Identify values. For instance – from “remember who you are and who you represent”, I arrived at Integrity.


To take this to a more pragmatic context, let’s compare and contrast your values to that of a disciple coach. Here is a brief list of those values taken from the Making Disciples Storyboard;

  • GROW


If you would like to participate in a cohort that will be going through this process together please join the Leadership Collective for Missional Discipleship online learning community CLICK HERE.  This will be the first time me and Micah Dodson of Thrive Church Planting have offered this FREE cohort to help you synthesize your values.  The process officially begins October 1 and runs for 4 weeks.  We will be limiting the group to 15 participants; sign-ups are on a first come, first serve basis.

By joining the Leadership Collective for Missional Discipleship online learning community you are NOT obligated to participate in the year-long process we outlined in last week’s blog – CLICK HERE.  However, this serves as a clarifying, stand-alone exercise and can be a tremendous pre-cursor to the Leadership Collective for Missional Discipleship.

If you are interested in participating in the FREE Leadership Collective for Missional Discipleship online learning community CLICK HERE.

People do what people see: 5 questions to discern the mission-critical activities you want to model

People do what people see: 5 questions to discern the mission-critical activities you want to model

There is this interesting dynamic that occurs in nature.  The dynamic of “imprinting” suggests that what we model as leaders is what people will emulate.

Imprinting, in psychobiology, a form of learning in which a very young animal fixes its attention on the first object with which it has visual, auditory, or tactile experience and thereafter follows that object. In nature the object is almost invariably a parent; in experiments, other animals and inanimate objects have been used. Imprinting has been intensively studied only in birds, especially chickens, ducks, and geese, but a comparable form of learning apparently occurs in the young of many mammals and some fishes and insects.

See Britannica article

In parenting this is certainly the case.

As our two children were growing up we read books – in fact, the kids usually could be seen with a book in their lap, under their arm or next to one of us listening intently as we read to them.  Guess what our kids favorite past time is today?  That is right – reading books.

When it comes to ministry and more specifically, leadership, I suggest that what we do is more important than what we say.  Let’s unpack this a bit more…

  • When new Christians come to faith, it is important that they “imprint” upon the Lord for protection, sustenance, and training in how to be a Christ follower.  (Neil Cole)
  • When modeling the practices of spiritual growth and maturity, the spiritual leader transfers those behaviors, both positive and negative, to the maturing disciple.
  • When leading, the leader intentionally and unintentionally communicates what is important, like developing people, leaders who take people development seriously prioritize this behavior.

In ministry this is certainly the case.

Here is a real example from my pastor, Steve Redden of Crosspoint Church and the priority of small group ministry.  When Gina and I first attended the church in 2014, we were immediately invited to a small group.  We enthusiastically participated in that small group that was led by Steve and hosted in the home of another new family in the church.  From the very beginning, Steve communicated his intention.  His plan was to get the group going.  And then sometime around the beginning of the third tri-mester he would begin his transition out of leadership so that he and Denise could begin another small group to connect new people in the church. Little did we know that Steve was preparing Gina and I to take leadership of that group.  Now some years later, after a couple of significant transitions e.g. merging with another group, multiplying our group to help start a new church and assimilating a number of new group members – we are still leading that group.  But back to Steve and what he modeled as Crosspoint’s priorities.

  1. FIRST, the importance of small group ministry.
  2. SECOND, the importance of leadership development.
  3. THIRD, the importance of being on mission

It is hard to get around this fact – People do what people see!

5 questions to discern the mission-critical activities you want to model

  1. What mission critical behaviors are you modeling for the leaders you are developing?
  2. What activities can you delegate to others that are non-essential for you to do yourself?
  3. What activities can you stop doing altogether that will make room for more mission critical activities?
  4. What mission critical behaviors do you need to do more of?
  5. How and when are you going to implement this change?
How we develop leaders & make disciples is changing

How we develop leaders & make disciples is changing

How we develop leaders & make disciples is changing!

You may or may not agree with this statement.  However, the context, cultural moment and accessibility to people has changed.  And no one really understands the new normal moving forward.  My sense is that it will be different than we have been accustomed to in the past.  And I don’t mean that we will all be using Zoom or some other platform more than we have previously.  The racial unrest, pandemic and ensuing Stay at Home orders with the social distancing and self-imposed isolation restrictions are exposing cracks in the way we develop leaders and make disciples.  Moving from a centralized to a de-centralized model of ministry has forced church leaders to think of creative strategies to be on-mission.  I am suggesting that the focused attention we give to developing leaders and making disciples will be a higher priority, more robust process and increasingly nuanced than ever.

This is “Why” I am more and more convinced that we need/must always be refining how we develop people as they progress on their discipleship and leadership journey.

Which is why I am suggesting that you give your attention to these issues today, and every day, as you plant, grow and multiply!  One of the ways you can do that is through the Leadership Collective.  I asked Brian Wilson, one of our current participants to share his experience in a short (1 minute) video – WATCH HERE to learn from his experience.

One of the exercises we challenge participants to is to articulate their disciplemaking process in a simple “napkin exercise”.  This comes at the end of the first of four phases to the leadership development process.  The goal is to simplify the disciple’s journey in a transferable manner.  In fact, here is a sample that Russ Sidders, Lead Pastor of Sunrise Community Church  created – WATCH HERE.

Consider your personal growth and development plans for 2021.  How are you taking your effectiveness to multiply leaders who will start and reproduce churches, to reach people far from God, to the next level?  I hope and pray to see you in La Jolla, CA on February 28, 2021 – CLICK HERE for more information.

How are you managing your health?

How are you managing your health?

This blog is a slight departure from my normal topic of conversation, namely taking a coach approach to reproducing disciples, leaders & churches.  It is indirectly related to those things because it addresses your capacity to stay in a good place right now so that you can continue to do those activities to expand the Kingdom of God.  I want to discuss your health as the season of social distance continues, protests and violence are taking place across our country.

The main thing I want to communicate is that you as the leader must remain mindful of your health.  You can break down health into three broad categories: physical, mental, spiritual.  In the following I hope to address each to a degree.

Let me pull back the curtain back a bit and share what I do as part of my physical health, which has implications for the mental and spiritual areas as well.  Below is what I have continued throughout this season of social distancing and a few things that I’ve incorporated as part of my routine.  The main thing I have adjusted like you is, who I do these activities with prior to lock-down.

Stay Active - Example

Mountain Bike: 3 mornings/week (Mon/Wed/Sat)

Stretch & Breathing Exercises: 2 mornings/week (Tues/Wed) – contact me direct if you want more information @

Walk: 1 morning/week (Fri)

Pull-ups + push-ups: 6 evenings/week

The point is, stay active!

You probably have figured this out for yourself, no doubt.  If you need to rethink what you are doing, this is as good as time as any.  If you are just starting out, I would suggest going slow at the beginning, like walking up and down stairs, taking a stroll around the block or low level calisthenics.

Here is a resource to reflect on ways to stay in a good place as you lead from home by Greg Groeschel Leading from Home (practical insights how to lead well during the season of social distancing): CLICK HERE.

For those of you who are reeling over the violence, protest and injustices going on in our society and globally, I would like to give you a simple challenge that will impact your spiritual and mental health.  One very practical thing you can do is to “reach across the aisle”.  The aisle I am referring to is the aisle that separates one people group from another people group.  Let me pull back the curtain back a bit and share our family experience.

Reach Across the Aisle - Example

For the last several years our family has been blessed through the relationship of our friends – who just so happen to have a very different background than us.  They are committed to their faith – we share similar values.  However, their daily experience is very different than our daily experience – simply because of the tone of their skin.

Typically we do something fun together every couple of months.  Most recently, we have practiced socially distanced conversations in our backyards over the last 6 weeks.  Covid-19 was an obvious focus but then the death of George Floyd, protests, violence, politics and solutions were discussed.  Our coversations have been rich and real!

We have learned about the unique opportunities we have that our neighbors do not share.  We have learned that our friends live with an underlying fear that we can’t fully appreciate.  We have learned how much we genuinely love and appreciate each other.

My challenge to you today – reach across the aisle!

The point is, do something!

Here is a resource to reflect on how to love better and reach across the aisle, an interview by Carl Lentz & Bishop T.D. Jakes – Hillsong East Coast: CLICK HERE.

I would love to hear how are you managing your health?  Please share your thoughts below:

Re-entry: Ask the Right Question

Re-entry: Ask the Right Question

Apollo 8 was the first crewed spacecraft to leave low Earth orbit and the first to reach the Moon, orbit it, and return.  Its three-astronaut crew—Frank BormanJames Lovell, and William Anders—were the first humans to fly to the Moon, to witness and photograph an Earthrise, and to escape the gravity of a celestial body.  Re-entry is the final phase for the Apollo spacecraft and re-entry can be fraught with extra-ordinary challenges, like in Apollo 13.  I highly recommend the film “Apollo 13” if you haven’t seen it!

The internet is bursting with ideas to help businesses, schools and churches re-enter following the Shelter at Home phase we face with Covid-19.

As I’ve been interacting with church planters, pastors, denominational and mission executives – I’ve listened to real concerns, thoughts about the challenges of social distancing and future steps to reopening.  One leader I coach (who has given me permission to cite his letters to his constituents) has offered wise counsel on several Reopening related topics.  Neil Lebhar has served as the Bishop of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) since his consecration in 2010.  We have been in a coaching relationship since July 2014.

Recently Neil led a devotion with his Executive Committee and one of the leaders shared this insight from Devi Sridhar, a public-health expert at the University of Edinburgh.

“Everyone wants to know when this will end. That’s not the right question. The right question is:

How do we continue?”

Neil used the motif of Apollo 13 and showed the clip of the control room when things didn’t go according to plan.  One of the first things the NASA team did was assess the situation.  They asked, “What do we have on the spacecraft that’s good?”  From that initial understanding of the materials on board, the crew worked with the engineers and essentially “duct-taped” a safe re-entry.  Referencing Philippians 3:8-16 Neil assessed the losses, gains and future aspirations for followers of Jesus.

We know Jesus – the most valuable treasure in the world, regardless of losses

8 Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith

Knowing Jesus includes both experiencing his resurrection power and suffering

10 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.

Press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus

12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. 13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. 16 Only let us hold true to what we have attained.

Neil closed with this excerpt from the book “Victorious: Corrie Ten Boom and the Hiding Place”

Point people to Jesus - Betsie Ten Boom to her sister Corrie

“Corrie, never tell people that it was your faith, for people will say, ‘I haven’t got Corrie ten Boom’s faith.’ But when you tell people that it was Jesus, then they will know that the same Jesus who carried us through is willing to carry them through also. For Jesus died at the cross for the sins of the whole world, not only for us, but for all the Jews and the Gentiles of the world, and He says, ‘Come unto Me, all who are heavy laden.’ So we have a message for the whole world.”

5 Reflection Questions as you Consider Re-entry

  1. What indicators are you assessing for your congregation to re-open?
  2. How are you maintaining an unanxious presence in this VUCA (Volatile-Uncertain-Complex-Ambiguous) moment?
  3. What is your longer-term plan for online services?
  4. If you re-open and later forced to shelter at home again; what does that look like for your congregation?
  5. How would you describe the “win” for your congregation through Covid-19?

Please share any ideas you are discovering as you navigate this season with other leaders who are going through this time along with you, so that we can learn from each other – see below.

If you are interested to read well-informed SAMPLE PLANS FOR RE-ENTRY, Canon Jessica Jones (a member of Neil’s team) compiled 4 strategies congregations are contemplating based on CDC Guidelines – CLICK HERE.


Blessings to you and your ministry during this time!

Gary Reinecke
Executive Director
