There are seven mission critical concepts that you must grapple to create a robust culture of disciplemaking + church multiplication.  Each worthy of deep reflection, prayer and adept coaching.  I’ve listed these as “concepts” along with a key question.

Here they are:

Concept 1- Discipleship:

  • What is your discipleship pathway?

Concept 2 – Fruitfulness:

  • How do you measure fruitfulness?

Concept 3 – Ministry:

  • What is your definition of ministry?

Concept 4 – Church:

  • Describe what constitutes the local church?

Concept 5 – Time:

  • What can you do to move from expediency to significance?

Concept 6 – Gospel:

  • List your Gospel imperatives?

Concept 7 – Love:

  • How do you express your love of God?
  • Who is your neighbor?

You probably aren’t surprised by these.  On the other hand, you may have others you would add to the list.  Take a moment and reflect on your experience:

  1. What concepts are you rethinking?
  2. How are these changing your approach to disciplemaking + church multiplication?

Please continue the conversation and respond below….


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