He is risen.  
He is risen indeed!


Imagine you were among those who saw the resurrected Christ. The awe and the wonder. The utter amazement that He had risen from the dead!

You will come across people this week who are reflecting on the events of Holy Week, culminating with Resurrection Sunday. Many of them have been to church. Some watched online. Others wonder what all the fuss is about. But what about you? Where do you find yourself following the most pivotal event of our Faith?

Let’s get personal. At my stage of life I have celebrated more than my fair share of Easters. Each year is different: in the past I’ve engaged in the season of Lent in a variety of ways (fasting, for instance, to slow down and reflect on the deeper aspects of life and faith). This year my attention has been more and more on the ways in which Christ is at work in my life.  Perhaps you have found yourself in a similar place.

Here are 3 self-reflection questions to pause, reflect, and capture the profoundness of it all before you move too quickly past Easter and onto the next thing.

  1. What were the highlights of your Holy Week?
  2. What is Christ doing in your life right now that has caught your attention?
  3. What do you need to rethink as it pertains to your spiritual formation?

My reflection: most of us are moving way too fast. We are taking less time to enjoy the important things and more time trying to keep up a pace that is unsustainable. We are running hard on the treadmill of life but not getting anywhere. The psalmist says it well:

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 26:10)

I have been struck by how easy it is to lose sight of this perspective. As I was riding my mountain bike the other day, each time my mind would begin to wonder I would draw my attention back to this passage: “Be still, and know that I am God.”  I wish I could tell you I only needed to do this once, but it was probably more often than I was even aware. Our minds and attention are easily distracted.

What can you do to stay focused on the work of Christ in your life?

On a grander scale, do you need to slow down? Refocus your priorities? Change it up a bit?  This might be an ideal time to take stock in what you have been given.

Slow down.

Appreciate the little things that go unnoticed throughout your daily life.

And give thanks to the One who has made all things possible.

He has risen. He has risen indeed!


Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash


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