A church recently asked me to provide an assessment for two candidates they were considering for an Executive Pastor position.

The Harrison Assessment was the tool I used to give a clear picture of the candidates.  Both candidates assessed “high” in the Job Success Analysis portion of the report, that used the actual job description for the position as the filter to measure if they were good fits for the position.  A deep dive into the data revealed insights into their “Traits and Behaviors” that were not evident in the interviews they had conducted.  Both candidates would have made excellent Executive Pastors; but when comparing and contrasting their profiles, in conjunction with the information from the interviews, the choice was clear.  One candidate stood out.

It is impossible to give an adequate explanation of the tool; but you may CLICK HERE for a 4 page online brochure explaining The Harrison Assessment.

If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment with Gary and discuss how The Harrison Assessment might further your mission to pre-qualify future staff hires & church planters, assess existing staff and develop your leaders.


*(c) 2019.  Harrison Assessment Int’l.  All Rights Reserved_v2019.1  www.harrisonassessments.com


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