So far, I’ve focused on the importance of the:

  • Spiritual: Discern the will of the Father, helping those you coach to do the same
  • Relational: Value the other person
  • Personal: Embrace your unique contribution
  • Interpersonal: You can’t want something for someone else more than they want it for themselves
  • Inspirational: Help people tap into their creativity
  • Intellectual: Challenge for clarity
  • Analytical: Analyze to Energize
  • Practical: Travel the high road high road to Confidentiality
  • Developmental: Take Responsibility for Your Development

This week I focus on the power of mentors.

Lesson #10 – Thank your Mentors

I have been blessed with a number of influential people in my life. This blog is dedicated to the many mentors that have given unselfishly to me and my growth as a coach.

The list inevitably will highlight some and completely miss the others. Here is a glimpse of the men and women who have played an instrumental role in my journey as a coach, and what they have contributed. Let’s get started:

  • Henry Reinecke, Jr: dad taught me the importance of integrity and hard work.
  • Jerry Reinecke: mom taught me the importance of listening and asking powerful questions.
  • David McDaniel: organizational development and strategic planning on creating affiliates.
  • Colin Noyes: my Australian friend has created a safe place to process my vision since 2004.
  • Ed Carey: helped me understand the importance of developing good business practices to run an effective ministry.
  • Bob Logan: exposed me to the power of multiplication in leadership development and church planting.
  • Steve Ogne: put words to the thing I was called to do – coaching.
  • Bob Trott: for his commitment to disciple-making movements.
  • John and Deanna Hayes: never, ever forget the poor.
  • Tim Elmore: always see the best in people.
  • Terry Walling: demonstrated his passion for leadership development through transitions
  • Gayle Parker: allowed me to try new ideas to revive an urban ministry like planting a church within a church.
  • Tom Parker: encouraged me to pursue my doctorate.
  • Dan Reeves: modeled and shared the nuances of coaching, training and consulting.
  • Christian Schwarz: put language to the principles at the roots of church health supported by rigorous research.
  • Pete Wagner: created a hunger for church growth.
  • Donald McGavran: created a hunger for church multiplication movements and international missions.
  • … and the many leaders that have allowed me the privelege to coach them through a multitude of issues to expand their vision for making more and better disciples, leaders and churches.

Many thanks for the selfless contribution each has made. Honestly, without each of these mentors I would not be in the space I am today – serving leaders across cultures to catalyze multiplication movements. It would have been an impossible journey without them.

In response, I am committed to “paying it forward” by equipping the next generation of leaders and coaches. Beginning in October, InFocus is launching the InFocus Collective. COLLECTIVES are focused learning intensives to take the best practices to make more & better disciples in the healthiest environments possible.

Back to the issue of mentors.

Five Questions to Identify Mentors in your Life

1. What are my growing edges personally and in ministry?

2. Which area is important but not urgent?

3. Who do I know that can help me in that area?

4. If I don’t know anyone, who do I know that knows someone?

5. How can you find the mentor you need??

I close with this statement from Andy Stanley:

“You may be good. You may be better than anyone else. But without a coach you will never be as good as you could be.”


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