If not you, who?


Who do you know that has a vision to make disciples and form churches, that plant churches?


The Disciple-making Movement Collective is the perfect opportunity to be equipped with the necessary skills to catalyze this process. 


I’m excited to have two world-class leaders who are co-facilitating the InFocus Collectives with me.


  • Daniel B has helped catalyze 400+ Discovery Bible Studies & will be sharing principles from his experience in the Disciple-making Collective.


  • Tim Vink has stewarded the movement within a denomination that has moved from 3% to 14% of churches reproducing since 2005: nationally across the evangelical landscape only 4% are reproducing churches or “Level 5” according to Exponential research.


The three environments you will experience in the collective include coaching, group interaction, and personal application. 


See DISCIPLE‑MAKING COLLECTIVE for dates, times & registration click here.


See CULTIVATING MULTIPLICATION MOVEMENTS COLLECTIVE for dates, times & registration click here.


Who do you know that has a vision to catalyze a disciple-making movement?


Who do you know that is responsible for the systems contributing to the multiplication of churches?



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