I have always been interested in finding ways to preserve the planet in the manner we design living spaces, buildings and parks.  In addition, a vision I had as a college student was to preserve God’s creation by using environmentally-friendly materials that would reduce the carbon footprint.  That led to a degree in Environmental Design.  What I lacked was a theological framework to anchor my vision.  This is one reason why I am enjoying “The Skeleton’s in God’s Closet: The Mercy of Hell, the Surprise of Judgment, the Hope of Holy War” by Joshua Ryan Butler.  A book like this creates a theological framework for issues like environmental stewardship, issues of social-justice, racial inequality, engaging the poor and oppressed.

The author acknowledges the difficult questions that gnaw under the surface for many a follower of Christ.  As I read the author’s argument to these thorny issues, I reflected on missiological questions that have implications for catalyzing disciplemaking movements.

  • What is the Gospel message?
  • How do disciplemaking movements keep the centrality of the Gospel message?
  • What gaps exist in your missiology?
  • How does this change the way you catalyze disciplemaking movements?
  • What is the most important shift that needs to occur in your praxis?

We live in an exciting era. Butler represents one of many voices rediscovering the radical intent of the Gospel.  I’m curious what other authors are dealing with similar issues as “The Skeleton’s in God’s Closet: The Mercy of Hell, the Surprise of Judgment, the Hope of Holy War”.  Please share the names of authors and books that challenge your missiolgy, I would be interested in hearing who you are learning from below.


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