I’ve found that one of the ways to help leaders learn how to coach is to first, be coached.

I remember serving as a coach mentor for a network of church planters.  A leader in that group had a particular understanding of the posture of a coach that collided with the non-directive approach I was taking.  If you mapped out a continuum with “non-directive” on the left side and “directive” on the right side – he was on the far right end.

Over the next couple of appointments I reinforced the power of coaching using a non-directive, self-discovery process until he came to the realization that he really did not like that style of coaching.  He concluded that his advice-giving preference suited his personality.  I agreed – but challenged him to call it something other than coaching   When you experience what it is like then it is easier to embrace (if your goal is to facilitate a self-discovery process) or REJECT coaching.

Justifiably, there is room for confusion about coaching as it relates to developing leaders, disciplemaking and church planting.  After-all, many people use the term “coaching” to describe what they do.

Here are three reasons why it is helpful for people to experience coaching:

  1. Put flesh to the coaching process e.g. it is difficult to understand what you have not experienced.
  2. Illustrate what makes coaching unique e.g. the power of “self-discovery” vs. receiving advice.
  3. Contrast other ways of helping people e.g. mentoring, counselling, consulting, etc.

Coaching tip of the month:

If your desire is to empower people – then use a process that allows the individual to discover and choose.

One of the best ways to take good intentions and move them to action is through coaching.  If you are interested in taking your vision to the next level in 2017 please contact InFocus for an exploratory conversation.   Please let us know how we can serve you.


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