Last week I interviewed Brian Wilson of Access Church.  I asked Brian how he is helping his congregation navigate this VUCA moment – to watch, CLICK HERE.  In case you don’t recognize that acrostic, VUCA stands for:

  • Volatile
  • Uncertain
  • Complex
  • Ambiguous

As I’ve interacted with pastors and church planters over the last month they tend to fall into one of two camps as it relates to this VUCA moment.

  • Camp Survival (hunker down to weather the storm)
  • Camp Shine (leverage this season for the Kingdom)

Both camps are triggered by VUCA characteristics, or combinations of…  

For instance, if a leader is triggered by a shift in power, then this season is extremely stressful.  This leader may be struggling to keep things within their control that are really out of her/his control.  The key question for this leader is: “How can we survive?”

In the other camp, the leader sees this season filled with opportunity to try new things.  To attempt things they had hoped to do someday; but are now challenged to do now!  The key question for this leader is: “How can we leverage this for the Kingdom to bless our community?”

A good example of this is taking ministry online.  Delivering worship services in living rooms on devices vs. engaging the BIG room, is one significant step.  This has expanded the reach of many of these congregations AND is something most congregations have done for the very first time in the last 30 days.

Releasing people to care for each other in small groups, using a variety of online platforms, is another significant step many leaders have navigated. The fruit has been impressive. What pastors and church planters are discovering across the country is that leaders:

  • can be trusted
  • can provide care
  • can lead effectively

Back to the two camps analogy.

Here are three questions for you to reflect on to “seize the day” during this VUCA moment!

3 Questions to “Seize the Day”

  1. What camp do you find yourself in today, right now?
  2. Are you content “camping” there?
  3. Based on your response to the previous question:
    • If “no”, what can you do to switch camps? 
    • If “yes”, what can you do to maximize this season to help your church shine?

I’ve written two blogs in the past that you might find helpful, related to the topic of VUCA:

  1. Leading Through VUCA
  2. Coaching VUCA

None of us have been down this path before. If you are confident that you know the way forward – then good on ‘ya. For the rest of us, my prayer is that His light would illuminate the path so that you can take the next significant step to lead yourself and your congregation forward.



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