This image has particular interest this week as part of the cathedral was burned and altered the Parisian skyline.  Notre Dame de Paris or “Our Lady of Paris” was started in 1163 and was largely complete by 1345.  For almost two centuries this amazing piece of architecture was under construction.

I wonder what motivated the visionaries that envisioned this house of worship.

What motivates you to do what you do?  I enjoy asking this question because you can tell a lot about a person by their answer.  In the case of Notre Dame was it to reach the heavens so that people could get closer to God; to honor and give glory to God; to make the cathedral the heart of Paris?  Whatever the reasons, people dedicated their lives to fulfill the vision.

When asking people who are discerning how to align their lives with God’s purposes – it takes on an entirely different meaning.  I remember when I was a college student studying environmental design I was asking myself this very question.  It led me to explore other avenues than I had previously considered, including ministry.  My dad was a businessman who was trained as an electrical engineer so ministry was unfamiliar territory. One morning as we were walking and talking, he made an observation pertaining to the internship I was doing at the church where I was raised in the Faith.  He made a comment that range true for me and solidified the change I was contemplating.  He admitted that he did not understand what a vocation of ministry involved; but he did notice that I was invigorated more and more by what I was doing.  That helped me sort through the fog that cluttered my mind and see for the first time what I had sensed in my heart.  Words matter – especially when it comes from someone you respect, love and desire to be like.

That eventually led me down the path of seminary and into coaching, to help: emerging leaders and leaders discern what God was calling them to, navigate critical issues to catalyze movements of disciples that start healthy churches that start churches and faithfully serve God in the next chapter of their life.

One of the reasons we created the Personal Calling Collective is to help you and those you coach do just that.  Younger leaders have a great need for this type of support AND established leaders need it just as much.  CLICK HERE for more information.  Here are a couple of resources that might help you, and others, discern what God is calling you to next:

Personal Calling Coaching Guide with Storyboard


Personal Calling Storyboard

Gary empowers leaders to discover and realize their God-given potential, not by imitating others, but by striving to become the best possible version of themselves.

Rev. Russ Siders – Lead Pastor,, Sunrise Community Church


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